Torreys Peak - Front Range
Hiking and climbing map for Torreys Peak in the Front Range of Colorado
This map contains detailed information on 4 trailheads and 11 routes for this Colorado 14er. For more information on Torreys Peak click HERE.
Trailheads Included:
- Grizzly Gulch Trailhead
- Grays Peak Trailhead
- Chihuahua Gulch Trailhead
- Loveland Pass Trailhead
Routes Included:
- South Slopes (Standard)
- Chihuahua Gulch Approach
- Dead Dog Couloir
- Emperor Couloir
- Kelso Ridge
- North Slopes (Grays)
- Turning Fork Couloir
- West Ridge
- Grizzly Gulch Road Approach
All Colorado 14er climbing/hiking maps contain the following information for each route:
1) Delineation of the climbing route on a detailed base map (including roads, public land boundaries, contours (80' intervals), and hydrology (streams, lakes, etc.)
2) The difficulty of the climb rated by Class (Yosemite Decimal System)
2) Exposure Rating
3) Snow Steepness
4) Length of the Route
5) Elevation Gain & Loss
6) Starting Elevation
7) Elevation Profile
8) Waypoints (landmarks) and their mileages along the route
9) Detailed description for locating the trailhead
The maps in this series are 3-5/8" W X 4-1/4" H (when folded) and are 17" X 11" (when unfolded) and they are both waterproof and tear-resistant.