The Paul Intemann Memorial Trail in Manitou Springs, Colorado
The Intemann Trail was first envisioned by the late Manitou Springs city planner, Paul Intemann. It was his dream to connect the many unstructured paths following the contours along Red Mountain and Iron Mountain while providing area residents and visitors with an urban-access trail.
But when Intemann died in a 1986 traffic accident at age 30, his dream might have faded away had it not been for a small group of people who either knew him or admired his idea. So enthused were these supporters that they didn't follow the typical approaches of community trail advocates (i.e., fundraising and lobbying local government for action). Instead, the group, calling itself the Intemann Trail Committee (ITC), set out to plan, organize and build the trail themselves. In 1987 the ITC partnered with the VOC (Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado), as this young organization was looking for projects to do, and Intemann's dream was an inspiring one. In September of 1987 the first project day featured beautiful weather (it even rained the night before to soften the soil), and VOC volunteers were joined by scores of eager local residents. At the end of the day, the 150-some workers had built almost a mile of trail, meandering west from the El Paso County Section 16 trail to the gentle slopes above the Crystal Hills subdivision of Manitou Springs. Through the years this trail was eventually completed and as they say, the rest is history.
The Intemann Trail is now a popular trail that connects to Ruxton Ave. in Manitou Springs, Colorado (near the Pikes Peak Cog Railway). It travels east/southeast passing the Red Mountain trail intersection, crosses over Pawnee Ave, passes Iron Mountain and Sheep Mountain, and then continues to a small trailhead at Crystal Park Rd. It then continues to the south of the Red Rock Canyon Open Space where there are numerous trails that connect to this fabulous and picturesque open space. The Intemann Trail eventually ends at its connection to the Palmer Red Rock loop trail.
This day hike offers great views of Manitou Springs, downtown Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak, and Garden of the Gods. If you’re looking for a little extra difficulty, add-in the spurs to Iron Mountain, and the Red Mountain Trail.
Get a map of this trail and others in this vicinity HERE.
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