Best Fall Foliage Hikes in the Pikes Peak Region of Colorado
Colorado is well known for its beautiful aspen trees, with quaking leaves that change from green to vibrant yellow each fall. Colorado's peak time for fall foliage color is usually from mid-September to mid-October and can vary by season, altitude, and the weather.
Fall is considered to be one of the best times of year to enjoy the Pikes Peak region, and brings greater meaning to our title of “Colorful Colorado.” The cooler temperatures (the days tending to be in the 70’s, with nights cooling down to the 50's), make for idyllic conditions for an invigorating hike.
Here are some insider tips on some of the best scenic hikes that will WOW you with their fall glory. (Click on trail names for trail maps)
1. Mueller State Park (near Divide, Colorado)
2. Dome Rock State Wildlife Area (near Divide, Colorado)
3. Catamount Trail (near Green Mountain Falls, Colorado)
4. The Crags (near Divide Colorado)
5. Pancake Rocks (near Divide, Colorado)
6. Rainbow Gulch (near Woodland Park, Colorado)
7. Seven Bridges (to Jones Park) (near Colorado Springs, Colorado)
8. Barr Trail (near Manitou Springs, Colorado)
9. Lost Creek Wilderness Area